Monday, August 07, 2006
TV Epidemic
In my home I only allow 1 TV set inside the house, located in the living room. This helps bring the family bond whenever we want to watch TV, which is a very very rare occasion. We prefer to have the family bond elsewhere, in the games we play together, in the activities we do together. I think it may even stunt your children's education. Think about that!
The article below I found to contain the message I'm trying to convey..
The TV epidemic is of the greatest concern not necessarily because of what children are doing, which is an entirely separate topic, but rather what they are not doing. Do your kids go outside and play like you did when you were a child? Are they outside riding bikes and playing tag and baseball from sun up to sun down? When inside, do they play games: Go Fish, Sorry, Monopoly, Scrabble, Yhatzee? Do your children read when they are not forced to? Do you actually get to have a conversation at a restaurant with your kids? And what messages are the characters and actions on the TV sending your child? Do they represent the same type of values you are trying to teach? If your family is like most of the population, the answers to these questions are no, No and NO.
Bringing up children in comfort
I had a great weekend with my family! How's yours?
My son is just so lovely, and all along I've been wondering if it has something to do with the lots of showered love from both parents since the day he was born. Now I see that my hypothesis has been formally studied.. Visit the original news article for more details..
A 58-YEAR-OLD woman has been awarded a PhD for her study into the effects of cuddling.