Thursday, July 20, 2006


Living away, and staying in touch

I have been staying in my adopted country Singapore for almost 10 years now, after settling down with my beloved 9 years back.. No regrets at all, having been blessed with a lovely wifey, a son and a yet-to-born little one, I have been having the best years of my life!!

Having left behind my dad (mum has passed away 3 years back) and siblings though, deep inside I always look for ways I can keep in touch with them. With the proliferation of value airlines and budget airlines in the region (the main difference is in whether your seat is allocated -- the former -- or free seating for the latter), you would have expected to have some bargains going to the neighboring countries wouldn't you? Well you'd be lucky sometimes, or you have to be creative other times.. Gotta look at some discount airfares available at times..

Well, gotta sign off for now.. I will share more on what I have been doing to stay in touch with my families overseas in my next postings..

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